How do we share together?

“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it." - John 1:5

At Compass we are open to opportunities God brings for us to legally and authentically share about the hope we have in Christ. God calls each of us to always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that we have.  We are compelled by compassion and love to share our faith with gentleness and respect and in a way that draws others to Him.

“Always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that you have, but do so with gentleness and respect.”

- 1 Peter 3:15

As you prepare to share your faith within your public school, it is important to understand both restrictions and freedoms laid out by the First Amendment of our Constitution. 

The Free Exercise Clause protects your freedoms to live out your faith at school.  Within the public schools, students may:

1) Express their faith in their schoolwork.

2) Pray, read their Bible or other religious books, or talk about their faith.

3) Organize prayer groups and religious clubs and promote their meetings.

4) Share their biblical worldview in a classroom debate. 

The Establishment Clause limits our educator freedoms . As educators, you are prohibited from establishing religion in your classroom.  Our Compass educators have found ways to legally and authentically live out their faith at school. They can:

1) Attend prayer groups and Bible studies before/after contracted hours

2) Have a Bible in their personal space and read it outside of contracted hours

3) Give students a platform to discuss religious views in their classrooms

4) Use the Bible as literature

5) Teach about religions in a neutral manner 

6) Answer questions students ask about their personal beliefs.

Religious Liberties

Click here to learn more about your religious liberties as Christians in the public schools. 

Share Efforts at School:

Good News Clubs - Good News Clubs are K-5, weekly, after-school clubs that bring the gospel into our public schools.  Parents, community members and/or educators come together to sponsor these clubs which can run for six weeks or all year.  Click here to learn how to start a Good News Club in your school.


Student Led Bible Studies - Students have the freedom to initiate student-led bible studies, and/or faith-based organizations at school, and educators can legally support them in doing so. The Equal Access Act of 1984 forbids public schools from receiving federal funds if they deny students the First Amendment right to conduct meetings because of the, “religious, political, philosophical, or other content of the speech at such meetings.” Contact the Compass Team to learn more.

Educator Prayer Groups and Bible Studies- Educators can legally meet together in prayer or bible study on their school campus outside of their contracted work hours. 

Compass Partners - Check out our Compass partners page to explore other SHARE opportunities!