“Christ’s love compels us because we are convinced that one died for all.” - 2 Corinthians 5:14
Letter From Our Director
Welcome to Compass Public School Ministry! Compass is a church based, gospel centered, public school ministry out of Grace Church in Eden Prairie, MN. In our first ten years, God has built a community of over 1700 Christian educators and families across over 80 districts throughout the state of Minnesota. As the Compass family has grown, we have seen God use this community to bring the light of Christ into MN schools. Educators and families are better understanding God’s call to not check their faith at the public school door, but to embrace their constitutional rights to live out and share their faith authentically. It is our prayer that Compass will encourage those called into the public schools and give them a vision for impact. It is also our prayer that this vision for public school ministry will expand into local schools and churches across the nation so that, as intentional efforts are made to connect and equip Christians educators and families, more and more public schools will be transformed in truth and in love. (Matthew 5:14-16)
Compass History and Vision:
Compass was founded in 2013 as a ministry of Grace Church in Eden Prairie, MN. Two women, an educator and a parent, were especially touched by the needs of those in the public schools. They felt God leading them to bring together the body of Christ within area schools in order to equip and encourage educators and families to impact their schools as they intentionally live out their faith.
The Compass family is a movement of Christian churches, educators and families “on-mission” in our public schools who…
-Are committed to navigating public schools in a God honoring way.
-Trust that God is sovereign and at work in our schools, and feel called to be a part of what He is doing there.
-Strive to impact their schools as they intentionally PRAY, generously CARE and legally and authentically SHARE the gospel.
Our Primary Goals
“Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Connect the Christian public school community at school, district, and state levels.
Pray faithfully for our schools and those within these walls.
Care generously for our schools, showing Christ's love by meeting our schools' most basic needs.
Empower educators, parents and students to understand and live out their religious liberties within their public schools.
Support legal efforts to bring the gospel into our public schools through prayer, Bible studies and Good News Clubs.
Equip Christian educators and parents through workshops and seminars on relevant topics.
Partner with Christian organizations and ministries serving within our public schools.
Share the vision to encourage local churches to intentionally support those called to public education.
A Few Notes:
Compass does not work to recruit Christians into the public schools. Rather, our focus is to connect and equip those God has called there.
Although God has led our community into the public schools, we have a great deal of respect for families who send their kids to private school or who homeschool. Our prayer is that all Christian families can support and encourage each other on different God-led educational journeys.
We are grateful for the organizations and ministries God has raised to impact our schools politically, and we encourage our educators and families to be informed and to engage as God calls. That said, the primary approaches Compass uses for impact are through intentional prayer, care and share efforts.