Resources for Compass Families
Be an Intentional Public School Parent:
This decision should not be made lightly. We as parents need to seek the Lord in prayer and listen for God’s voice as we make decisions around educating our children. Even after we have made that decision initially, we need to continue to be prayerful, assured that we remain where God wants us to be. Make this a family prayer, seeking God together, surrendering your educational journey to Him as He leads your family for His purposes and for His glory. If he leads you into the public schools, ask Him as a family to show you how you can impact your school for Christ. Pray together that your family would be a Light to others, that He would help your kids discern truth versus lies, that He would protect them from schemes of the enemy and pray for healthy communication at home. Ask God to show your family how to not check your faith at the public school door but to live it out in a way that honors and glorifies God. Show your kids that they are not in this alone, that this is a family journey and that you are with them each step of the way.
Before we can be intentional about spiritually leading our children, we need to be sure that we are spiritually on track. Have you and your spouse surrendered your life to Christ and accepted Him as your Lord and Savior? Is He the center of your home? Are you in the Word and praying regularly? Is your family making church a priority? Are you the role model and resource your kids need as they are faced with so many mixed messages at school, with friends, at sports or out in the community? Are you truly seeking God and His wisdom??
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and the one who knocks, the door will be opened. - Luke 11:9-10
Come near to God and He will come near to you. - James 4:8
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with your whole heart. - Jeremiah 29:13
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. - Matthew 6:33
Seek Him first and He will help you be the parent your kids need.
David and Kelly Pritchard, public school parents and authors of the book, “Going Public,” are often asked if they homeschool their kids. In response, they reply, “Yes, and we send them to public school for more information.”
We should all have the mentality of a homeschool parent. We need to be the first and loudest voice in our kids' lives, especially when it comes to teaching biblical worldview. We need to work hard to make sure that our kids' identity is not tied to things of the world but is firmly established in Christ. It is our responsibility as parents to make sure our families attend a solid, bible-based church where our kids receive great biblical teaching. But, even once you have, and your kids are receiving great teaching from the pastors there, it is not their job alone to teach our kids. They can do their job best when they are simply reinforcing what kids are already learning from home. Read good books on Christian parenting, find mentors and a solid support system, dig into God’s Word as a family, make prayer a regular activity in your home. We should never take off our teacher hat as parents.
It is our job as parents to know what our kids are learning at school. How can we do this?
1) Get to know the teachers. Go to open houses, conferences, set up meetings so you know who your teachers are, and what kind of influence they may be on your kids. Find out if they are Christians. One way to do this is to, during your first meeting with them, let them know you will be praying for them. It is easy to tell by their reaction if they are a Christian! Then, whether they are Christian or not, pray for them, for their teaching, for their influence on the students and even for their salvation.
2) Get to know the curriculum. Parents have access, by law, to any curriculum being taught to their kids. This is shared sometimes during curriculum nights but, if those nights aren’t held, you have the freedom to ask to review it. If the teacher seems hesitant you can go to administration to get the information you need. Also, be aware that you do have the freedom to opt out of assignments, testing and activities that are especially troubling. If handled respectfully, the teachers are often willing to make exceptions, allow alternative assignments and work with you to find something that works for everyone involved.
3) Ask your kids. Discuss what they are learning in their classes. Ask them what was especially interesting, or if there was anything that didn’t seem right based on their biblical worldview. Make these conversations a regular thing during dinner, family time or car rides. Keep those channels of communication open, let them come to expect your questions and be prepared to answer them.
Tim Chailles, Christian author and blogger, and father of public school kids who wrote, “When we make the decision as Christians to send our kids to public school we commit to sending the whole family.” So what is our role in the schools? Pray and seek how God might create an opportunity for you to get involved in your school. It could be by committing to prayer, volunteering in some way within the building, supporting an individual teacher, coordinating and leading an annual service project…or it could be heading up the PTO, attending school board meetings or even participating in a curriculum committee. Consider starting a Good News Club bible study in your elementary school or coming alongside your student as they start a student-led prayer group or bible study in middle school or high school. God is faithful and will provide a way to engage that makes sense for your family.
Maybe it’s meeting with administration or someone in leadership about something specific God has placed on your heart that needs to be addressed. It is possible that during your time at public school an issue will arise that will need to be addressed. We, as Christian parents, can impact the culture of our public schools. We have a voice, and, our kids are watching. If we aren’t engaged in some way or aren’t bold enough to respectfully address an issue as it arises, make our voice heard, can we expect them to do the same? How is God calling you to make involvement in your school a priority?
We are not meant to be on the parenting journey alone.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. - Hebrews 10:24-25
Compass began with this goal in mind, to bring together the body of Christ within our schools. God calls us into community with other believers, and the need for community within our public schools is no different. As parents, work to connect with other Christian public school families. Join with other families within your church, i.e. start a Public School Family Connection group that meets regularly, Start or join a Moms in Prayer group in your school or start or join a community prayer effort in your community with Christians from other churches.
It is also critical that our kids plug into Christian community, not only at church, but at school as well. For some this might be a starting or joining a student-led bible study, or plugging into one of the great para church organizations like FCA, YL, CFC and CRU that meet in our schools. Help your kids find others within their schools who share similar values, who can hold them accountable, who can work together with them to bring the light of Christ into their school as they grow in their faith. Don’t be discouraged if a group doesn’t exist in your school. Start one!
As Christians it is important that we understand our religious liberties as Christians in the public schools as laid out for us in the First Amendment of the Constitution. Knowledge is power and understanding how we can legally express our faith in our schools is empowering for us as educators, parents and students, and lays a foundation as we strive to make an impact in our school.
First Amendment of the Constitution:
Establishment Clause:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”
Free Exercise Clause:
“or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”
Who/What is restricted as a result of the First Amendment?
“Congress” ( government and its representatives) are restricted by the First Amendment of the Constitution. Public school educators fall into this category. These educators are restricted from endorsement of any religion, promotion of any religion and hostility towards any religious expression.
What is protected by the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment?
“Congress” or educators in our case, can’t prohibit free exercise of religion. This is the basis for our students’ freedoms.
What freedoms, then, do our students have to express their faith in school?
Some examples:
• Pray and read the bible at school
• Attend prayer groups
• Start a bible study and invite others or start a religious club
• Share their faith
• Pray at the lunch table
• Express faith through assignments/graduation ceremonies
• Share our perspective in a classroom debate.
What freedoms do our public school educators have?
Some examples:
• Attend prayer groups and bible studies before/after contracted hours in their buildings
• Have a bible in their personal space and read it during their duty-free time
• Gives students a platform to discuss religious views in their classrooms
• Use the bible as literature…it is a historical, literary text that can be used in the classroom by teachers.
• Teach about religions in a neutral manner
• Acknowledge holidays
• Teach with historical documents or primary resources - even if they include bible verses.
• Answer questions students ask about their personal beliefs.
Equal Access Act – a US federal law passed in 1984 that requires federally funded secondary schools to provide equal access to extracurricular clubs. This act allows Christians to start student led bible studies, Good News Clubs and prayer groups on a public-school campus.
For important information about your religious liberties as Christians in the public schools click here.
Our public schools are the largest “across the street” mission fields in our nation. They are full of diversity, filled with different races, religions, cultural ethnicities, beliefs and backgrounds. They are truly a snapshot of our communities and our world.
Matthew 5:16 says “Let your Light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
As Christians we have an opportunity, and freedoms as laid out by the First Amendment, to shine our Light and live out our faith in a way that honors God and impacts lives. How can your family shine your light and impact your school for Christ? What might this look like?
An important thing to remember as we strive to shine our Light is that our disposition reflects Christ. This is true everywhere we go but especially as we think about shining our Light at school. Talk about as a family what it looks like to have a disposition that reflects Christ and how to use discernment as we share and live out our faith.
Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation. - Phil 2:14-16
Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving as the Lord has forgiven you, And, above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. - Col 2:12-14
As parents we should never stop praying for our kids. Whether we homeschool, send out kids to private school or public school, we need to be lifting them up, asking God for wisdom as we train them up to love and serve the Lord, praying they will know truth, and that they would come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. We need to surrender them to the Lord and ask Him to be their Guide.

Praying Intentionally for your School
God calls us to pray without ceasing and our schools are in desperate need of our prayers. Consider these prayer prompts as you lift up your school in prayer.
10 Ways to Pray for Public Schools…
“Father, may the students and staff of this school experience Your love through the Christians they know in profound and authentic ways.” - John 13:35
Lord, release truth in this school. Help students to rightly discern truth and not believe false teachings. - Ephesians 6:14 & John 8:32
I pray blessings on each school board member (try to pray for them by name). Father, may your will be done at board meetings. - Romans 13:1
May (name of principal) recognize the God-given responsibility he/she has for the best interests of the children who attend the school. May (name of principal) walk in wisdom, integrity, grace, and truth. - Proverbs 2:1-11
Lord, I ask you to encourage those children who are struggling with their studies. Strengthen their minds. Help their teachers and parents know how to help them learn. Protect them from feelings of worthlessness and shame. - 1 Thessalonians 5:14
Lord, stay the hand of violence against the children and staff of this school. Dismantle any plan to bring harm to them. Expose any weapon brought into the school premises and render it harmless. - 2 Samual 22:3-4 & Psalm 34:7
Father, I pray for abundant blessings on programs that bring Christ into this public school. Help the groups who sponsor such programs function according to your Word and in harmony with each other. Bless the leaders and bring forth new and growing believers. - 1 Corinthians 12:12,13
Grant the Christian students who attend this school wisdom and boldness in living out their faith. Help them share effectively the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ with their classmates. - 2 Cor 3:12, 2 Timothy 1:7-8
Father, may those you have chosen to teach and work within this school be led by you. Come alongside those who are weary and burdened and give them rest. Embolden teachers and staff who know you to be ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His appeal through them. - Matthew 11:28-30, 2 Corinthians 5:20
Lord, may there be an open door in this school for the gospel to be shared with students and staff. Allow full advantage to be taken of every opportunity to name the name of Jesus. - Colossians 4:3, Philippians 2:10-11
How you can Encourage Your Public School Educators
Our Christian educators are on the front lines and they need our prayer and our encouragement. The challenges they face are growing and many excellent Christian educators are leaving our public schools. We as families have an opportunity to come alongside them, to be a support to them, to remind them they are not alone and find creative ways to love on them.
Some ideas:
1) Ask them how you can be praying for them.
2) Thank them with notes, a small gift, or a meal.
3) Extend patience and grace.
4) Offer to help out in creative and meaningful ways
5) Give positive feedback about them to their administrators.
Compass Partners in our Public Schools
As families we need to build Christian community within our schools. Take some time to research these great organizations within our schools and prayerfully consider connecting with them. with any of our fabulous partners. If they are not currently in your school, start one!
Fellowship of Christian Athletes - www.fca.org:
FCA is a community working to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. Their desire is to see all enter into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.
Young Life - www.younglife.org
Young Life is a Christian ministry that reaches out to middle school and high school students, introducing them to Jesus Christ and helping them to grow in their faith. Their mission is to go to where the kids are and build personal relationships with them through fun, adventurous, life-changing experiences.
Campus Faith Clubs - www.campusfaithclubs.org:
Campus Faith Clubs is a student-led, teacher-advised, and parent-supported organization that promotes living out the hope and love of Jesus among peers Monday-Friday in public schools.. Meeting weekly, before or after school, middle and high school Faith Club students share in fellowship, worship, God's Word, prayer, encouragement, and lots of fun!
See You at the Pole - www.syatp.com
See You at the Pole is a prayer rally where students meet at the school flagpole before school to lift up their friends, families, teachers, school, and nation to God. This global day of student prayer began in 1990 and decades later millions continue to pray on their campuses on the fourth Wednesday in September. See You at the Pole is a student-initiated, student-organized, and student-led event.
Come Together in Prayer for your School:
Moms in Prayer - Moms in Prayer is an international organization that consists of moms who pray. Groups gather throughout the school year to lift up their students, teachers and staff, as well as the school at large. Contact MIP to join a group already praying in your school or how to go about starting one.
Community Prayer Efforts - Community Prayer provides an opportunity for all those within the same community who feel led to participate in corporate prayer for our schools to do so. These efforts often include prayer coverage for all schools in the district and meet on a regular basis.
Church Prayer Efforts - Another way to bring together a community of believers to pray for our schools is to provide an opportunity for public school focused prayer within the local church. A good time to do this may be in the fall at the beginning of a school year. This can be initiated by church leadership or by parents, students or educators within the church.
Commissioning Services - One intentional way that local churches can show their support for public school educators is by holding a Commissioning Service at their church in the fall at the beginning of each school year. Many churches commission missionaries as they are sent around the world to bring the gospel to the nations. It is true that Christian educators are missionaries on the largest across the street mission field in our nation. As the local church supports them as such they can be encouraged to also be a Light in a dark place. For an example of a commissioning service at Grace Church in Eden Prairie, MN, click HERE.
Pray for our Public School Efforts - Set aside times before or after church services on Sunday mornings or during the week to pray specifically for our public schools as a church community.
Prayer Walks - Prayer Walks create an opportunity for believers to walk around their public school campuses as they cover it in prayer. This can be done alone, as a family, as a church, or as a small group. Click HERE for some ideas on ways to pray for your school during your prayer walk.
Family Prayer - Families can come together and commit to praying at home. Each family has a circle of people in their schools they are most connected to. This could include a bus driver, teachers, paras, office staff, a principal, a superintendent, a security guard, lunch staff, classmates, teammates, etc. As families come together to pray in their homes, parents are able to model how God calls us to lift up those He has placed in our lives, and parents and students together can seek the Lord as they navigate their public school journey and discern how they can come together to impact their schools for Christ. They can then see how God answers these prayers and see, together, the power of God at work!
See You at the Pole - See You at the Pole is a prayer rally where students meet at the school flagpole before school to lift up their friends, families, teachers, school, and nation to God. This global day of student prayer began in 1990 and decades later millions continue to pray on their campuses on the fourth Wednesday in September. See You at the Pole is a student-initiated, student-organized, and student-led event.
Good News Clubs
Good News Clubs are a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship. These after school Christian programs for kids 5-12 years old, feature a Bible lesson, songs, memory verses, and games. The Equality Act of 1984 requires public schools that allow other after school programming to allow equal access to faith based clubs like Good News Clubs. These student clubs are often run by parents and/or teachers outside contract hours. To learn more about these clubs and how to start one in your school CLICK HERE.
Other Resources:
Mama Bear Apologetics - Hillary Morgan Ferrer
When your kids come home from school asking questions about everything from moral relativity to cultural Marxism to whether God even exists, you need to be prepared with biblically sound answers. This mom-to-mom guide will equip you to teach your kids how to form their own biblical beliefs about what is true and what is false. Through transparent life stories and clear, practical applications - including prayer strategies - this band of Mama Bears offers you tools to train yourself, so you can turn around and train your kids.
Mama Bear Guide To Sexuality - Hillary Morgan Ferrer
This book is a guide to training your kids to know and respect God's design in a world that has rejected it. This book will equip you to understand God's design for gender, sex, marriage, and family as a beautiful portrait that reveals the nature of God himself; identify the tactics being used to trick children into adopting an unbiblical view of sexuality under the guise of Christian-sounding words like love, identity, tolerance, and justice; and teach your kids to treat those who hold different beliefs with gentle, Christlike compassion without compromising biblical values. This book will give you the wisdom to confidently raise your children to understand sex and gender through a biblical lens.
Navigating Public Schools - Stephen and Sarah Williams
This book will empower Christian parents to navigate the increasingly secular public school system with the aim to 1) cultivate strong relationships with their children in a season of immense secular pressure; 2) help their children stand firm in their Christian faith and Biblical worldview; 3) exercise their rights on campus; 4) become salt and light for Jesus Christ.
Devine Design - Kassian and DeMoss
What does it mean to be a woman? The current cultural ideal for womanhood encourages women to be strident, sexual, self-centered, independent - and, above all, powerful and in control. But sadly this model of womanhood hasn't delivered the happiness and fulfillment it promised. The Bible teaches that it's not up to us to decide what womanhood is all about. God created males and females for a very specific purpose. His design isn't arbitrary or unimportant. It is very intentional, and he wants women to discover, embrace, and delight in the beauty of his design. He's looking for True Women!
10 Lessons from 10 Years of Public Schooling
Axis.org - The mission of this organization is to build lifelong faith by helping parents and caring adults talk with their kids about what they otherwise wouldn’t, one conversation at a time. Excellent resources for parents!